
Welcome to the BIS website articles page. This section offers BIS members an opportunity to share knowledge and insights into all topics relating to space.

Our articles section give our community the ability to participate in our outreach goals, providing interesting topics and insightful explanations to a variety of astronautics subjects, propose new ideas or concepts, bring to light stories and professional experiences to support our space outreach goals.


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Article Submissions Process

The submission of articles is only open to BIS Members & Fellows

1. Read the guidelines before submitting articles.
2. Contact the Editor using the form below.
3. Accepted Articles will be reviewed against the guidelines and proof read.
4. Feedback and suggested edits will be communicated with the Author prior to acceptance and publication.
5. Approved articles will be Published on the BIS Articles Page.
6. With author’s agreement, articles may added to the BIS Discord for further discussion.
7. With author’s agreement, articles may also be promoted on the BIS website, newsletter and social media.


Submitting an article in this section is only open to BIS Members and Fellows. Publication is under the discretion of the Editor.

  • There is no strict word count restriction, however if it is deemed to be too long or short the Editor may suggest a revision. The articles should be submitted as un-formatted simple text.
  • Anybody will be able to read the articles, therefore it is suggested that short essays or opinion/editorial style pieces are written in a journalistic, accessible language.
  • Referencing: statistics, facts, publications, policies, and quotes mentioned within the article should include in-text hyperlinks to their primary sources. Bibliography or reference lists are not required, however these can be provided if essential to the article.
  • Articles can be submitted on all topics relevant to astronautics and related topics. Articles could be opinions and personal experiences, professional insights and new ideas. Technical details are also welcome.
  • The Editor reserves the right to not publish an article which is not in line with the BIS’ mission and purpose.
  • Figures, with captions, are welcome, with a quality suitable for web reproduction.
  • Author’s contact details, as well as professional details (or similar personal information) will only be published at the request of the author.
  • All articles will have a disclaimer added at the end stating that opinions expressed are those of the author and may not reflect those of the BIS.

Contact the Articles section editor
Please choose ‘articles’ in the subject line for direct contact on this enquiry form.

You can also propose an article for publication or provide comments to existing articles.

Submit an article

[Insert form] – what fields are needed on the form?

Join The Discussion

We invite you to join the discussion on Discord

You can also provide specific comments on the article, using the form below, which may be published at the bottom of the article at the discretion of the editor.

All comments must abide by the BIS Respect Policy