Reinventing Space – Monday 28th June

NB: Provisional programme

This programme is correct on the date of publication (27th June 2021).  All content is subject to change, and no refunds will be offered for one day tickets purchased on the basis of the information provided below.  Sessions noted with a (V) will see presenters joining the conference proceedings virtually due to ongoing restrictions on travel in the UK and around the world.

Session type
Welcome Address
Elizabeth Anderson (British Interplanetary Society)
Keynote Speech
Dave Edmondson (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) – UK initiative at the UN
Panel Discussion


Chaired by Steven Freeland (V)

Steven Freeland – Commercial Space, Technology Challenges and International Law: Historical Lessons and Future Post-COVID Development (V)

Casey Cooley – International Outer Space Authority (V)

Amaia Galdeano Sada – How to use law to engage States and private actors to remove existing orbital debris? (V)

Hugo Peter – Ending opposition between hard and soft law: The solution to make space law relevant for space debris mitigation? (V)

Jonathan Lim – Reach for the stars – A human-rights based approach to regulating space debris (V)

Krzysztof Niewęgłowski – Effective legal response to space detected actions harmful to the climate – another step towards international cooperation (V)

Keynote Sponsor Speech
Prof. Frank Shäfer, Fraunhofer (V)
Technical Session
H. E. Franks, T. Clayson, M. Y. Stokes – Magdrive for Orbital Debris Removal
Keynote Speech
Jake Geer (UK Space Agency) – UK Space Surveillance and Tracking – current activity and future ambition
Technical Session
F. Yalung, A. D. Thompson, C. A. Toomer and Amir Bolouri – Modelling of the materials classification of in orbit debris using DISCOSweb and other sources (V)

Alex Godfrey – Enabling Affordable and Sustainable Space Missions with a 3,000kg Mid-Air Retrieval System

David Ashford – The Ascender Project

Technical Session
William Ailor – Protecting the LEO Environment (V)

Tony Azzarelli – Small satellite constellations debris management