Welcome to the Articles section

There are more things in heaven and earth …

by F. Bernardini, FBIS

We are introducing this new section of the BIS web site to provide an opportunity for all Members and Fellows to express their opinions and ideas with short articles that will be accessible also to the general public.

This section will be a place to propose space related ideas and opinions, to discuss about current space events, to bring to light stories and professional experiences, and of course to do some intelligent outreach if one wants to explain some finer astronautical topic to a wide audience. The ability to comment on articles will be reserved to BIS’ Members and Fellows.

No specific guidelines are imposed but the section editor will reserve the right to not publish an article which is not in line with BIS’ interests and those of its readership. Figures, with captions, are welcome, with a quality suitable for web reproduction. Author’s contact details, as well as professional details (or similar personal information) will be added only on author’s request (there are risks associated, of course).

In our first article, our member Paolo Ferri, retired head of ESA spacecraft operations at ESA/ESOC, will share some of his personal feelings. In the next article we will describe the genesis and implementation of BIS spaceflight simulators.

Adding comments to web sites’ posts is always difficult, mostly because of the many risks involved. For the time being we elected to accept only comments sent via e-mail to the editor of the section. In alternative, you can also join our specific channel on Discord (yet another free messaging platform).

The opportunity to publish your thoughts about space is open! Use this opportunity to communicate with other members and with space enthusiasts around the world: there is so much to say, explain and be opinionated. There are so many things to explain, and to investigate, as well as many stories to tell. Let’s do it from the cultural standpoint of the oldest still active astronautical Society in the world.

A word from our President

by Alistair Scott, FBIS

I am pleased that the ‘BIS Articles’ section on our website is now up and running and that Fabrizio Bernardini, who came up with the idea some months back, has agreed to be the editor and leader of this exciting venture. I believe that this will give our members and friends a tremendous opportunity to air and share their views and ideas in a more formal setting than that offered by social media blogs and tweets.

The British Interplanetary Society has, in its 90 years, always encouraged free thinking and the sharing of ideas that led to some of its ideas and designs being incorporated into the US Moon landings in the 60s and, I believe, to the UK taking a leading role in European space activities in the 70s. I look forward to seeing the thoughts and ideas that you come up with here, doing the same for the future exploration and use of Space and help us to solve or overcome some of the problems we face here on Earth.
