The BIS structure allows people to connect branch level, with regional and home nation branches in the UK, and international branches at country level around the world. You can learn more about existing branches, or how to get involved in setting up a new branch yourself.
Keen to see a branch where you live? Look at the information below and get involved!
Currently we have one active branch overseas. Keen to see a branch where you live? Look at the information below and get involved!
Set up a branch
If you are a Member or Fellow and you are interested in setting up a branch, you can let us know using the form below. Setting up a branch doesn't always mean you need to be the leader – there are different roles to play, such as organising events, supporting compliance or developing relationships with other organisations at a local level. If you get in contact with us, we will link you up with other people in your area (by email) who want to form a branch, so that you can come together.
BIS Fellows and Members are equally welcome to lead a branch and either can express an interest in starting one.
The rules around how a branch is formed, can be download here. However, the most important first step is to let us know you are interested – we will then set up a conversation to talk to you about the branch and your ideas.
The BIS is also looking for volunteers to help with the existing BIS Soctland and BIS South East branches.
Please email to express interest in leading a new branch, or supporting or becoming a member of an existing branch.
NB: If you have been a Member for more than three years, you can apply for Fellowship.