BIS West Midlands: Emerging space power: Iran, with Brian Harvey

Date: 18 January 2025
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Online via Zoom
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The West Midlands Branch Presents
Emerging space power: Iran

Speaker: Brian Harvey
Date: Saturday 18th January 2025
Start Time: 14:00
End Time: 15:15
Venue: Online via Zoom

Iran is one of the newest, least well-known and likely underestimated space powers, launching its first satellite, Omid, in 2009 to lead the new 21st century space powers. Although the origin of its space programme goes back to the 1950s, Iran was greatly affected by the revolution in 1979 and the country’s subsequent, continuing enforced political isolation. Iran has its own space agency, the Imam Khomenei desert space center and another, its own rockets and satellites, with ambitious plans for the future.     This presentation outlines Iran’s space history, development, drivers, launchers, ground facilities, launch sites, politics, personalities, international connections, current status and distinctive features.

Meeting Timetable
13:55 – The meeting is available to join
14:00 – Welcome
14:05 – Emerging space power: Iran by Brian Harvey
14:40 ish – Questions and Answers (we enable everyone’s microphone to allow an interactive Q&A session)

So, here’s the Plan/Joining Instructions!
1. Register for the Talk using the link below
2. BIS WM – ‘Iran’s Space Programme’ Talk – Jan 2025
3. Before the event, we will send you an email with the joining link for the meeting.
4. On the day, click meeting link (and follow the on-screen instructions to install Zoom if prompted)

Please Note:
The Conference Call and Q&A sessions are recorded (which may capture your name, picture, voice or video) and are made available for use by the West Midlands Facebook group and the BIS website and social media channels. You consent to the use of your information in the public domain by registering for the Conference Call/Q&A sessions.