BIS WEST MIDLANDS: The Necessity for Space Colonisation!
Saturday 9 March 2024 at 1400 – 15:15 GMT
VENUE: Online on Zoom (BIS West Midlands)
Valentín Elías Pineda will discuss the needs, challenges and important changes required to support the future colonisation of space. Please register HERE or via the West Midlands Facebook page.
Talk Overview
Globalization has been the social and economical motor for humanity in the last 30 years, but from now on continuing with it is a peril because its projection will combine an exponential evolution of computing and AI with an exponential scarcity of goods, food, and water due to climate change, growing inequality and unemployment, resulting in a global chaos and many confrontation risks.
It seems clear that a growing human population will need growing sources for land, resources and clean energy sources. Only a massive migration to space industry is capable to achieve this and achieve that humanity wins scarcity forever from 2080 onwards. Technology will be capable to achieve low-cost access to space for all citizens and thus making possible such migration, but in order to achieve this, some urgent changes are needed to be implemented in the next 10-15 years on education, migration of energy sources from fossil fuels to clean and efficient sources and making the necessary investments for low-cost access to space.
These urgent changes are the same ones needed to revert the effects of existing globalization and climate change. The actions undertaken the next 10-15 years will sustain all the evolution in the XXI Century. Finally, Space migration and its involved activities and possibilities is the best warranty for the so needed peace in the world.
Meeting Timetable
13:55 – The meeting is available to join
14:00 – Welcome
14:05 – The Necessity for Space Migration! by Valentín Elías Pineda
14:45 ish – Questions and Answers (we enable everyone’s microphone to allow an interactive Q&A session)
Joining Instructions
1. Register for the Talk – Click HERE to Register
2. Before the event, we will send you an email with the joining link for the meeting.
3. On the day, click meeting link (and follow the on-screen instructions to install Zoom if prompted)
Please Note.
The Conference Call and Q&A sessions will be recorded (which may capture your name, picture, voice or video) and made available via the West Midlands Facebook group and possibly via the BIS HQ website. You consent to this by registering for the Conference Call/Q&A sessions.
Speaker Bio: Valentín Elías Pineda
Educational background: Engineering on Industrial electronics and electricity, Engineering on energy resources
Work Experience:
30+ Years Technical trainer, nearly 25 Years Industrial robotics engineer, 25+ years technical translator, 20+ years investigating on future of technology and its integration on society. Further experience on Solar power, Laser technology, Industrial electronics.
2001. ANS. American Nuclear Society, Qualified and Elected Member.
2000 to 2004. NASA. International Lunar Exploration Working Group. Discussion forum for lunar exploration related projects.
2023 CEPCUYO Community of Professional Latin American Futurists
2023 ISEC (International Space Elevator Consortium)
2023 British Interplanetary Society
Publications: (Please Note: BIS is not responsible for external links)
• Kinematic Self Replicating Machines, by Robert A. Freitas Jr. and Ralph C. Merkle. Published by Landes Bioscience.
• Chapter 3.29. Self-Replicating Robotic Lunar Factory. Update of 1980 NASA study.
•Project leader: Valentín Elías Pineda.
• Las Bases del Futurismo, by Valentín Elías Pineda. Published by SOLEAS S.L.
• AI 2033-2038. I’m talking about the Great Transition, by Valentín Elías Pineda. Published by “Human Futures Magazine”.
• Participation in TechCast November 2022 Newsletter. Scenarios 2025,
• Participation in TechCast Christmas December 24 of 2022 Newsletter. Scenarios 2025,
• Energy Resources in 2023-2033. The key to the migration to a new future, by Valentín Elías Pineda. Published by “Human Futures Magazine”.
• Participation in TechCast February 2023 Newsletter. Metaverse,
• Participation in TechCast March 2023 Newsletter. Global Union in 2050,
• Participation in TechCast June 2023 Newsletter. Promises and Perils of AI,