BIS-Italia is the first international branch of the BIS, established in 2013 after discussions in same year at the IAC in Naples.
Concentrated mainly in Rome, with an important part of its membership from the Engineering Faculty of Sapienza University, BIS-Italia is a reference for all BIS members resident in Italy and it is very active in the following areas:
- Members services, including tutoring for space-related studies, topics and assistance for academic thesis, jobs scouting and the formation of space-related skills
- Members networking, mainly via our Telegram-based, topic-organised chats, but also via Facebook, Twitter and of course the local web site
- Outreach, providing technical information about space events and technologies, also participating in events organised by ESA/ESRIN, ASI and in cooperation also with other organisations, designing “intelligent outreach” tools
- Education, with courses and assistance to all schools from elementary grades to high-school, as well as with academic lectures
- Events, by organising space-related events or managing sections of events organised by others
BIS-Italia is proud to list major achievements including:
- an ongoing collaboration with ESA/ESRIN for the week long Open Days for School event, for which special activities have been designed
- design and development of space flight simulators, and other “intelligent outreach” tools, like the VEGA Avionics teaching activity for kids
- the creation of the Makers for Space section within Maker Faire Rome (European Edition) held in 2018 and in 2019, in which the BIS was responsible for an entire sector of the huge event (each event attended by more than 100,000 people)
- the participation in Focus Live in Milan with two dedicated setups (one for Apollo 11 50th celebrations and one for Mars Exploration)
BIS-Italia is currently partner of ItaliaCamp, an impact organisation that specialises in high-level education, as manager of their space-related projects.
BIS-Italia looks forward to cooperate also with other entities and BIS members, particularly students, to keep developing projects in the outreach sector, projects that require professional skills and are also a way to gain experience in astronautics and related fields like electronics, programming and robotics.
Branch Lead: Fabrizio Bernardini FBIS
Branch Secretary and Contact: Paolo D'Angelo FBIS
Branch Operations and Events: Fabrizio Bernardini
Branch Official: TBC