We are based in Droitwich Spa, Worcestershire, UK and specialise in space and rocketry focused activities and events.

BIS West Midlands is run by volunteers organise space and rocketry events throughout the year, such as:

  • Space Day – Where space and rocketry related groups have the opportunity to exhibit. Space day is attended by members of the space community and the wider public.
  • Talks/Discussions/ Film shows – Of various space and rocketry related topics.
  • Visits – Space and rocketry related.

We welcome everyone and would love to hear your suggestions for future talks/branch activities.

Branch Lead: Bob Stanton

Branch Secretary and Contact: POSITION OPEN

Social Media: Adam Hibberd

Contact the Branch

If contacting via the Contact Form (envelope option above); please choose 'BIS Branches' from the drop-down menu
and include the name of the Branch you wish to contact in the subject line.

BIS West Midland Branch News

BIS West Midlands | News

Welcome to BIS West Midlands For general branch information visit https://www.bis-space.com/branches/ Branch Announcements Unfortunately, in November 2023 our Chairman John […]

BIS West Midlands Branch

Upcoming BIS West Midland Events