The BIS holds the advancement of public education as its core charitable objective. We are committed to inspiring the public about the benefits and practical applications of space exploration, and we achieve this both through working with schools and being present at events for people of all ages. As the National Co-ordinating Body for World Space Week, we are look to help professionals and experts engage with enthusiastics, those in education, and the wider public – for WSW and all through the year.
Our activities include schools visits and Internet based talks, with members across the country able to volunteer as schools speakers. We have attended events such as AstroFest, the UKSEDS Conference, UK rocketry events, New Scientist Live, and many more in the UK, as well as international events such as the International Astronautical Congress and MakerFaire.
Our regular Evening Lectures are open to all, and are free for members to attend. These lectures focus on education and information, and are a great opportunity to learn more about in-depth areas from experts in fields such as engineering, spaceplane innovation, space law, and much more.