Robin is a BIS Council Member and Lead for BIS Branches.
He joined the BIS in 2009, and became a fellow in 2017. He has always been interested in space matters, having graduated from the ‘Eagle’ comic and ‘Dan Dare’ (in colour) via ’The Sky at Night’ (in black and white) to the BIS (in 3D!). By profession he is a Chartered electronics engineer and qualified amateur radio operator (G6CEZ). He researched, wrote and self-published the definitive book on the Skylark sounding rocket.
Robin was chair of the BIS Technical Committee from 2016-2020, when it was reinvigorated and overhauled with regular meetings, and written feedback to the BIS Council. The Technical Projects were rationalised, reporting introduced, and the technical pages of the BIS website were revised, expanded, regularly updated, and monitored. Robin was also Project Leader of the ‘Nanosat Launch Vehicle Feasibility Study’ 2016-2020, the largest and most popular Technical Project in recent years, with 43 members and regular Saturday meetings at the HQ. This produced many reports, talks, articles, and papers, resulting in presentations Robin gave at RISpace 2017, 18, and 19.
He has considerable committee experience including 21 years as a governor at his local secondary school where he was chair of several committees such as Buildings and Grounds, vice-chair of governors etc., and where he revised and documented the committee structure.