Reinventing Space – Wednesday 30th June

NB: Provisional programme

This programme is correct on the date of publication (27th June 2021).  All content is subject to change, and no refunds will be offered for one day tickets purchased on the basis of the information provided below.  Sessions noted with a (V) will see presenters joining the conference proceedings virtually due to ongoing restrictions on travel in the UK and around the world.


Session type
Technical Session
Betty Bonnardel – Satellite and AI to support smallholder farming

Aman Narula – Concept Realisation for In-Orbit Manufacturing and Assembly of Satellites

10.15 – 10.45
Keynote Sponsor Speech
Alan Thompson, Skyrora
Chaired by David Germroth (V)
The Laser Communication/SAR Revolution: Together Reinventing Space

Moderator: David S. Germroth, Airbus US Space and Defense

Matthias Motzigemba, Tesat Spacecom – High data rate with near real-time delivery to the customer over resilient LPI/LPD communications

Jessica King GeoSISU – The SAR Sat Race

Clint Graumann, Terrameteric – SAR 2025 Situational Awareness: Who, What, Where & How is SAR being applied?

David Gauthier, NGA Source – Commercial SAR Opportunities for National Security

Technical Session
Gergo Mezohegyi,  Ferenc Darvas – Triggering economy growth via space chemistry, an emerging sector within the space industry (V)

Aqeel Shamsul – A versatile miniaturised hardware platform to enable bioscience research in space

Technical Session
Manuel La Rosa Betancourt – Magnetohydrodynamic Enhanced Entry System for Space Transportation (MEESST) as a key building block for low-cost interplanetary missions (V)

Clement Gama, Roy Sterritt, George F. Wilkie, Glen Hawe – Towards Cubesat Autonomicity (V)

Technical Session
Sung Wook Paek – Technology development and market projections for space applications of energy storage devices

Marcus Collier-Wright – High-temperature superconductor based power and propulsion system architectures as enablers for high power missions (V)

John Knapman – Space Solar Power Enabled by a Green Road to Space

Panel Discussion

Chaired by Alan Perera-Webb

Spaceport1 – Mark Roberts CBE

Spaceport Cornwall – Ross Hulbert (V)

Prestwick Spaceport – Mick O’Connor (V)

Spaceport Snowdonia – Jeremy Howitt, Lee Paul (V)

Spaceport Sutherland – Roy Kirk (V)

Annual General Meeting
Annual General Meeting of the British Interplanetary Society

Attendance for Fellows of the Society only – separate registration details will be made available
